Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Contemplating the Cross, Day 3

"The atonement is not merely a doctrine of the church. It is the doctrine of the church. Leave this out, and you have no truth, no Savior, no church. As Luther said of the doctrine of justification by faith, that is was the article of a standing or falling church, so we affirm of the atonement, the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ for the sins of men...If the atoning sufferings of Christ are left out of a ministry, that ministry is worthless."

Charles Spurgeon

Prayer: Lord, we ask that we would be given a renewed sense of the greatness of Christ's sacrifice for helpless sinners. May we hold it in awe, never minimizing its place in Christianity. And we ask that pastors, our own and those around the world, would recognize that any ministry that abandons the work of the cross is indeed worthless. May our pastors preach Christ and him crucified. We thank you, Father, for allowing us to hear this wonderful message. By grace we have received it and believed it. Amen.

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