Monday, April 23, 2012

Considering the World to Come!

"How then, should we view this world and our existence in it? The Puritans would answer, sub specie aeternitatis- 'in the light of eternity': we must 'consider' (Romans 8:18) things as they will be rather than they are now: I see a world in decay and trouble. I consider a renewed, perfect world to come. I watch my body deteriorating. I consider my new body. I can make no sense of things here. I consider a world where all is integrated. I am tempted to sin here. I consider a world of perfection to come. I see in part now. I consider a time when I shall see Jesus. This is our calling: to gaze deliberately and see things as they will be rather than as they are. Did you notice that Paul suggests that this deliberate gazing is what creation itself is doing? Creation 'waits with eager longing' or, as J.B. Phillips so marvelously rendered it, 'The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the sons of God coming into their own.' Creation stands on tiptoe. Are you?"

Derek W. H. Thomas, How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home

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