Monday, April 30, 2012

Christ Changes Everything!

We recently began a new session of Discipleship Study at our church, using the book by Haley & Micheal Dimarco Die Young: Burying Yourself In Christ. I love the chapter titles. Among them: Death Is the New Life, Less Is the New More, Slavery Is the New Freedom, and Red Is the New White. The authors continually challenge the reader by reminding him/her that Jesus really does bring about a radical change in life. Our reasoning is to be different than that of our worldly counterparts. Our speech is to be different. Our attitudes are to be different. Our motivations are to be different. Our behavior is to be different. While some changes may be sudden and dramatic, and others subtle and painstakingly long, make no mistake: Christ is at work in the life of a believer! How is He working in you? Do you notice Him leading you on the "road less traveled"? Consider these words from the Dimarcos:

"When you die to everything that this world suggests is necessary for a 'good life', when you reject everything that they say is essential for happiness, peace, or even life, you choose the road less traveled by natural man but well-traveled by the spiritual man. It is a narrow road that leads to life and few will find it (Matthew 7:14) because few are willing to accept the paradigm shift that faith requires. This shift says that life isn't about you but about your God. This may mean taking the worst seat at the table (Luke 14:10), going the extra mile (Matthew 5:41), or forgiving someone for the same thing over and over again (Matthew 18:22). All of these the world would consider a step down in life and most definitely not a step up."

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