Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cultivating Relationships

"I once heard a man walk up to a woman and say, 'How are your kidneys today?' That's the truth! I actually heard the man ask that question. Her response? Did she hit him with her purse? No, she said the following: 'Oh, they're much better today, thank you, Doctor.' I overheard those words in a hospital room. The doctor had earned the right to ask that personal question. If you doubt that, stop the next lady you meet on the street and ask it yourself, and see what happens. All of which is to say, we need to earn the right to ask personal questions."

D. James Kennedy, Evangelism Explosion

As I have often shared before, personal evangelism isn't easy. Uncertainties and challenges abound, but we are called to share the gospel through our personal relationships. But if we never take the time to build those relationships, how can the gospel be shared with those not yet following Christ? Here are a few thinking points that might help:

*Be deliberate! These relationships don't "just happen" very often. We must intentionally pursue relationships with those that aren't Christians. Our tendency is fueled by the homogeneous principle of like-attracting-like. We are comfortable with our own. But the gospel demands that we deliberately break the ranks of the easy and familiar to reach the unbeliever. In other words, go out of your way to begin to develop friendships with those that don't yet love Jesus!

*Be dependent! We can't do this in our own power; we must be completely dependent on the Holy Spirit. If left to my own devices, I will never place myself in situations that are tense and potentially messy, which personal evangelism can often be. And if I do place myself into these situations, I don't have the ability on my own to convey anything worthwhile. That's why I must pray, pray, pray. That's why I must be constantly led by the Spirit, dependent on Him for leading and empowerment.

*Be diligent! Don't give up. Relationships take time. We must let them develop naturally, over the course of time. Trust must be established. Common ground, such as likes and dislikes, must be established. The rhythms of communication must be established. Too often, we become frustrated when our initial attempts are thwarted. Don't bail out; keep plugging away, knowing what good might be coming: someone learning to love Jesus Christ. That's motivation enough.

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