Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Facing Failure

"Failure. It's an equal opportunity affliction visiting rich and poor alike. Failure defies and levels and confounds even the best laid plans. Failure is as old as history itself. Just flip through your Bible...Like death, taxes, and really bad haircuts, failure finds us all. I hear you: 'What grand news, Dave! As long as we're discussing my inevitable failure, why not just tell me I'm overweight and odoriferous?' First, I'm not really sure what odoriferous means, so I would never call you that. Second, if God is truly sovereign, there must be a place for failure in his plan. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible declares God's supreme control over events. If he can't work through our screw -ups, he's guilty of false advertising. Like it or not, the sovereign God is Lord over our failures. In fact, he works through them. Failure isn't simply God's nightstick to whack us back into submission. It's an experience where we can discover God's love, his irresistible grace, and the true potency of the gospel. But to get to those discoveries, we must see failure as the place where some ambitions go to die so other things might come alive."

Dave Harvey, Rescuing Ambition

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