Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Considering the Spirit

My apologies for the gap in posting. My computer is in the process of being repaired. Thanks for your patience in this matter. I currently have partial function, so let me take advantage of the moment with the following post:

We are using Francis Chan's Forgotten God as the resource for our Tuesday night Discipleship Study. During the first session, we examined, as lifted from scripture, the role and function of the person of the Holy Spirit. Consider the following when reading the Bible and contemplating the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.

*The Spirit gives us the power to be witnesses locally, regionally, and to the ends of the Earth.
*The Spirit performs the supernatural through human beings.
*He gives gifts designed for honoring God and for common service.
*As believers in Christ, we are the residence of the Holy Spirit; He actually lives in us!
*The Spirit leads us into all truth; He is the teacher of the Church.
*The Spirit brings liberty and genuine freedom; The Spirit breaks down the stronghold of fear.
*The Spirit sanctifies us and prepares us for service in the Kingdom.
*He is transforming us into the image of Jesus, a work guaranteed to be completed.
*He gives us strength and leads us to a knowledge of God's love.
*He is identified as the Spirit of Adoption, establishing us as God's children and rightful heirs.
*The Spirit is freely given by God and grants the believer the mind of Christ.
*In times of turmoil and anguish, the Spirit makes intercession for us.
* The Spirit knows the perfect will of God.
*Through the Spirit's power, we may learn to kill the activity of sin.
*He gives life and peace; He equips us to live a life pleasing to God.
*The Spirit gives the believer assurance and certainty.